art with code


Filezoo day 34, part 1: extended context menu, cut-copy-paste

Got cut-copy-paste business logic done, still missing the keyboard shortcuts though. The context menu is getting huge!

Patching up yesterday's missed todo items today, next up are clipboard keyboard shortcuts and dragging items.

The clipboard stuff was a bit of a pain, so here's a reference. I don't know if I'm doing it in The Right Way, but it does work. Can paste files to/from Konqueror at least.

void BuildCopyPasteMenu (Menu menu, ClickHit c)
string targetPath = c.Target.FullName;
string targetDir = c.Target.IsDirectory ? c.Target.FullName : Helpers.Dirname(c.Target.FullName);

Separator (menu);
string items = "file://" + c.Target.FullName;
if (App.Selection.Count > 0) {
items = App.GetSelectionData ();

AddItem(menu, "Cut", delegate {
cut = true;

AddItem(menu, "Copy", delegate {
cut = false;

AddItem(menu, "Paste to "+Helpers.Basename(targetDir)+"/", delegate {
bool handled = false;
clipboard.RequestContents(Gdk.Atom.Intern("text/uri-list", true), delegate(Clipboard cb, SelectionData data) {
if (data.Length > -1) {
handled = true;
App.HandleSelectionData(data, cut ? Gdk.DragAction.Move : Gdk.DragAction.Copy, targetPath);
cut = false;
clipboard.RequestContents(Gdk.Atom.Intern("application/x-color", true), delegate(Clipboard cb, SelectionData data) {
if (data.Length > -1 && !handled) {
handled = true;
App.HandleSelectionData(data, cut ? Gdk.DragAction.Move : Gdk.DragAction.Copy, targetPath);
clipboard.RequestContents(Gdk.Atom.Intern("text/plain", true), delegate(Clipboard cb, SelectionData data) {
if (data.Length > -1 && !handled) {
handled = true;
App.HandleSelectionData(data, cut ? Gdk.DragAction.Move : Gdk.DragAction.Copy, targetPath);
Separator (menu);

void SetClipBoard (string items)
delegate (Clipboard cb, SelectionData data, uint info) {
data.Set(data.Target, 8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(items));
data.Text = items;
delegate (Clipboard cb) {
cut = false;

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